As children ages 5-11 start to receive their first COVID vaccination doses, it is an incredible milestone for all of us who have watched this age group’s courage and fortitude over the last year-and-a-half. Elementary school children have had to manage an unfair burden, impossible for them to fully understand, and yet they have adapted and learned. They have creatively discovered how to exist in a new world. It hasn’t been perfect by any means, as many parents can attest, but these children deserve our admiration and respect.
With their first COVID vaccines, children ages 5-11 will be one step closer to resuming normalcy in their activities. They can be less afraid of close contact and indoor spaces. We can continue to all work together to help these children adjust as they learn with us. It will not be easy. I’m so grateful that this day is here, and that these kids can begin to enjoy some of the same protections that we’ve had this year. One step at a time.